We must work towards reducing tension and improving relations between Australia and China – Media release 25 Feb 2025

Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN)
IPAN Patrons: Emeritus Professor Ian Lowe AO & Kellie Tranter Lawyer & Human Rights Activist

MEDIA RELEASE                                                 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                             25 February 2025

  • Chinese live fire exercises in the seas off Australian coastline not welcome
  • Australian naval and air patrols off the Chinese coastline not welcome
  • Diplomacy needed to yield peacebuilding agreements between Australian and Chinese governments

The Independent and Peaceful Australian Network (IPAN) draws attention to the concern and alarm expressed in the media with Chinese warships patrolling off the coast of Australia in the Pacific and Tasman sea indicating increasing tensions in our region. IPAN shares this concern.

‘However it is critical to point out that Australian warships and aircraft are regularly patrolling off the coast of China in the South China Sea and Yellow Sea’. ‘Further, reporting by the Lowy Institute indicates Australian aircraft and are involved in spying and laying of sonobuoys’, stated IPAN spokesperson Dr Alison Broinowski.


‘Clearly China is uncomfortable with these Australian patrols off its coast, just as we are uncomfortable with Chinese warships patrolling off our coast’, stated Dr Alison Broinowski.

‘Australia participating in the so-called ‘freedom of navigation’ exercises is at the behest of the USA and clearly intended to demonstrate Australia’s support for the US -China provocation and to “justify” US military presence and that of its allies in the area’, stated Dr Alison Broinowski.

‘It is also worth noting that “maintaining freedom of navigation” is a furphy created by the United States.  There have been no actions taken by the Chinese government to impede shipping in the South China Sea or Yellow Sea. Indeed, its own trade with the world depend on these shipping lanes being free and unimpeded’, stated Dr Alison Broinowski.

“IPAN believes that Australia’s best interests would be served by recalling our warships and military aircraft back to Australia where their presence contributes to the self-defence of our own territory”, continued Dr Alison Broinowski.

‘IPAN considers open and honest talks between our country and China in the interests of an open and peaceful relationship is needed rather than further provocative behaviour in collusion with the USA’, stated Dr Alison Broinowski.
For Media Interviews:  Dr Alison Broinowski 0422 608 580
             Media Liaison: Annette Brownlie 0431 597 256

BIO: Dr Alison Broinowski AM: President, Australians for War Powers Reform. Formerly an Australian diplomat, Alison is the author or editor of 14 books about Australia’s dealings with the world, Asian countries in particular. Her PhD is in Asian Studies at ANU. She has researched and taught there, at Macquarie University, and at the University of Wollongong.