Australia must say “No” to war on Iran – Media Release 1st July 2019

Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN)                                            

MEDIA RELEASE            FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date 1st July,  2019

Australia must say “No” to war on Iran

  • War would be disastrous for Australia
  • It would block the flow of fuel imports
  • Australian and US interests ‘diametrically opposed’

Responding to reports that PM Morrison is backing US President Trump’s harder line on Iran, the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) urges the PM to take a step back and urgently reconsider. IPAN believes US sanctions imposed on Iran is creating severe hardship for its people and a military option would create a huge humanitarian disaster. The group insists that the military option be ruled out altogether and the (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) revived.

IPAN’s spokesperson, Mr Bevan Ramsden said
“The JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), negotiated between Iran, France, Russia, China, The UK, Germany and the USA, endorsed by the UN Security Council and supported by Australia, was a peaceful solution to the problem of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. It’s unilateral ditching by the USA under President Trump, to the consternation of the other parties, precipitated the current crisis. The USA should be urged to return to the JCPOA as the only way to resolve the matter peacefully.

For Australia to join any military engagement would be the height of folly. War in the Persian Gulf would mean that the Straits of Homuz would be closed. Insurance companies would not cover oil tankers in a war zone. Australia’s fuel supplies would be severely limited or cut off entirely – with disastrous consequences for the Australian economy and its people. Further, closing of the Straits, on top of the intensifying US-China trade war, would crash the global economy.

This is a clear case where Australia’s and USA’s interests are diametrically opposed. It underlines the need for an independent foreign policy. Our fuel needs are too important to be placed in jeopardy by US military action.”

Media Interviews: Contact Bevan Ramsden 0418 697 528
IPAN Media Liaison:  Kathryn Kelly, contact 0417 269 984