Media Release – No war on Iran, end the war in Yemen – 17 September 2019

Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN)        MR No war on Iran – end the war in Yemen 17 Sept 2019 pdf

MEDIA RELEASE            FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE          17  September 2019

No War on Iran – End the War in Yemen

  • IPAN Condemns the bombing of the Saudi oil refineries
  • US led military action on Iran would repeat devastating mistakes of Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) calls on the Prime Minister to urge against any military attack on Iran, to avoid the outbreak of a major war. It calls for a return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) which brought about a peaceful arrangement with Iran in 2015. According to IPAN’s spokesperson, Ms Annette Brownlie, by withdrawing the USA from the JCPOA in 2018, President Trump precipitated the current crisis.

Ms Brownlie said, “IPAN condemns the very recent bombing of the Saudi oil refineries, for which the Houthi movement has claimed responsibility, while recognising the ongoing war crimes being committed by Saudi Arabia in Yemen”.

”As we approach the 18th anniversary of the Afghanistan war and the 16 years of war in Iraq, it is clear there are no military resolutions to the situation. These wars have led to devastating loss of life, creation of millions of refugees, destruction of homes and infrastructure, and immense environmental damage. Let us not as a nation repeat past mistakes by supporting US led military action on Iran.”

The Yemen conflict has seen Saudi Arabia use the world’s most up to date weaponry in fighting the war against the Houthi’s in Yemen. These weapons have been mainly supplied by the US and UK. However, as the ABC has revealed, Australia too has been selling military materiel to both Saudi and UAE.

IPAN is a member of the Australian Arms Control Coalition, supporting its work in exposing the immoral nature and questionable legality of encouraging the sale of arms to enhance the Australian economy.

“The potential for escalation in the Persian Gulf is extreme, with Russia and Turkey opposing any military attack on Iran, Ms Brownlie said. “Concerns over oil reserves are no basis for going to war. However, if there is war, it is sure to undermine resource security.”


As the world’s nations gather in New York, IPAN recommends that, if war is imminent, the UN call an emergency session of the General Asembly. The UNGA can override the Security Council by invoking the Uniting for Peace resolution passed and accepted in the 1950’s. Under this resolution, with a 2/3 majority the UNGA can address any situation threatening world peace and security. This especially applies if the UNSC is rendered inactive owing to differences of opinion within the P5.


Media Interviews: Contact Annette Brownlie 0431 597 256

IPAN Media Liaison:  Kathryn Kelly, contact 0417 269 984