Electrical Trade Union Qld concerned at nuc subs base in Brisbane – 10 March 2022

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ETU Qld/NT Statement on AKUS & Nuclear Submarines
March 10, 2022

State Secretary of the Electrical Trades Union (Qld & NT), Peter Ong, made the following responses to media enquiries about the AUKUS pact and the Federal Government plan to acquire nuclear propelled submarines for Australia

Does the ETU support a nuclear submarine base being built in Brisbane?

The Federal Government appears hell bent on expanding Australia’s defence industry into a nuclear future with no regard for the views and concerns of the Australian people and no transparency about the costs, the dangers or the alternatives that have been considered. At a time that Peter Dutton and Scott Morrison are warning us of increased risk and uncertainty in the region, does Queensland really want to be increasing its exposure to a risky nuclear industry?

Would the union welcome further discussions between the stage government and the Department of Defence about the proposal?

The Federal Government should be consulting with the Australian people, not attempting closed door meetings with State or Territory Governments. If Peter Dutton and Scott Morrison are so sure voters want a nuclear future for our military, then they should be transparent with the Australian people and take their proposals to the election including how much this will cost, what the alternatives are, and what are the increased risks the local communities will face if this were to go ahead.

How significant would such a defence investment be to Queensland’s economy and electrical industry workers?

The Government has provided no assurances that the new AUKUS deal will deliver more jobs to Australian workers and supply chain businesses, in fact, not long after the announcement, the British High Commissioner indicated the submarines would be built in the UK instead of Australia. The Government has provided no guarantees that a nuclear submarine base will be built by 100% Australian workers and 100% Australian businesses.