Bombing in Syria must be condemned – 14 April 2018

IPAN Media Release – ANU lecturer Dr. Alison Broinowski says: bombing in Syria must be condemned
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Defence Minister Payne and Prime Minister Turnbull’s obsequious support for the bombing attack on Damascus by the US, UK and France demonstrates their hypocrisy when calling for a rules-based order.

The missiles fired on Damascus have broken international law, since Syria did not threaten the US, UK or France, said ANU Visiting Fellow Dr Alison Broinowski. ‘There was no UN resolution to approve this military act against a sovereign state, just as there was none when Iraq was attacked 15 years ago.”

“The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons had accepted an invitation from the Syrian government to inspect the region where an alleged chemical weapon attack occurred, demonstrating a willingness to support its claim they had not conducted such an attack. What will now become of the OPCW verification?”

“Australia was a founding member of the United Nations,” said Dr Broinowski, “and now it disrespects the central role of the UN to prevent wars and ensure there is never again another world war.”

“Prime Minister Turnbull can be a responsible voice at this crucial time and say no to further bombing and call for an emergency meeting of the Security Council to prevent any further escalation. If Australia supports an international rules-based order, it has to apply those rules to itself and its allies.”


CONTACT: Dr Broinowski 0422 608 580

Further information: Annette Brownlie (Chair of IPAN) 0431597256
IPAN Media Liaison:  Kathryn Kelly, contact 0417 269 984
 IPAN is a network of over 40 member organisations around Australia – community, faith and peace groups, trade unions as well as concerned individuals – aiming to build public dialogue and pressure  for change to a truly independent foreign policy for Australia – one in which our government plays a positive role in solving international conflicts peacefully.
