Economics – a self reliant sustainable economy for Australia
New podcast (originally on 3CR) Interview with Bevan Ramsden, IPAN CC member, on the urgent need to move Australia’s economy to a more sustainable basis.
New podcast (originally on 3CR) Interview with Bevan Ramsden, IPAN CC member, on the urgent need to move Australia’s economy to a more sustainable basis.
Scott Morrison, get your priorities straight! Australia is in the midst of a devastating economic crisis, and Scott Morrison wants to spend billions of dollars on long-range missiles and new weapons systems.1 Now more than ever, we need increased funding Continue reading GetUp Petition – re $270 billion in military spending – Morrison, get your priorities right
MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 3 July 2020 PDF version: Media Release re Increased Military Expenditure 3.7.20 Increase in Military Expenditure Unjustified and Destabilising The Australian Government’s increase in military expenditure is pure fear-mongering and compromises urgent social Continue reading Increase in Military Expenditure Unjustified and Destabilising – 3rd July 2020
Voice-No-42-July – 2020
Hosted every two years by the US Pacific Fleet, the last Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC) in 2018 brought 47 surface ships, five submarines, more than 200 aircraft, and 25,000 military personnel to Hawaii’s lands and waters. This military Continue reading Pacific wide discussion on the RIMPAC exercises – see it here
Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 19 June 2020 Pacific Peace Network calls for cancellation of ‘RIMPAC’ War Games in the Pacific A new coalition of Pacific Peace groups convened by the Independent and Peaceful Continue reading Pacific Peace Network calls for cancellation of ‘RIMPAC’ War Games in the Pacific – 19 June 2020
Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 5 June 2020 Peace and Justice only possible when Racism is defeated * Multiculturalism doesn’t negate injustices for First Nations people * First Nations Peoples make up 30% of Continue reading Peace and Justice only possible when Racism is defeated – 6th June 2020
Voice-No-41-June – 2020
Background-to-the-vietnam-war-the-U.S.-invasion-and-Australias-involvment-an-IPAN-podcast-Part-I The-anti-war-movement-and-the-Vietnam-Moratorium-Campaign-an-IPAN-podcast-Part-II
Voice-No-40-May – 2020
Paul Daley: Militarisation of Australian History Speech published with kind permission of Medical Association for Prevention of war.. For a link to the speech on the MAPW Website, see here. Guardian columnist, journalist, novelist and playwright Paul Daley was MAPW’s Continue reading MILITARISM: AUSTRALIA’S FOUNDATIONAL MYTH by Paul Daley
IPAN_MR_Healthcare Not Warfare V3 – 7 May 2020 MEDIA RELEASE 7th May 2020 Stop spending billions on warfare and put healthcare first The Australian Government must stop funneling billions of dollars into offensive weapons and instead redirect much-needed funds Continue reading Stop spending billions on warfare and put healthcare first – 7 May 2020
‘Taking to the Streets against the Vietnam War’: A Timeline History of Australian Protest 1962-1972
A People’s Inquiry: The Case for an Independent and Peaceful Australia What are the costs and consequences of Australia’s involvement in US-led wars and the US Alliance? The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) has conducted a national public inquiry Continue reading Original details on the IPAN Inquiry