Expansion of Tindal air base may bring us closer to War – IPAN Media Release 25 Feb, 2020

Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 25 February 2020 Expansion of Tindal air base may bring us closer to War Helps consolidate NT as the Indo-Pacific military base for the United States Further involves Australia Continue reading Expansion of Tindal air base may bring us closer to War – IPAN Media Release 25 Feb, 2020

Are US bases worth the risk? – interview on Late Night Live with Felicity Ruby

Are US Bases worth the Risk?   Discussion with Philip Adams on Late Night Live with Felicity Ruby – PhD Candidate and former senior adviser to Greens Senator Scott Ludlam The US bases in Australia like Pine Gap now have offensive Continue reading Are US bases worth the risk? – interview on Late Night Live with Felicity Ruby

How the US military churns out more greenhouse gas emissions than entire countries

How the U.S. Military Churns Out More Greenhouse Gas Emissions Than Entire Countries The Pentagon is the world’s biggest consumer of fossil fuels—and agent of climate change. By Luke Darby September 13, 2019 USAf/Getty Images When CNN hosted a climate-change Continue reading How the US military churns out more greenhouse gas emissions than entire countries