JOHN MENADUE. Joined at the hip to a very dangerous ally that is almost always at war. An update

Posted on 15 January 2019 We are a nation in denial that we are ‘joined at the hip’ to a dangerous ally that is becoming even more dangerous with the increasing privatisation of the US ‘war complex’  The complex is less Continue reading JOHN MENADUE. Joined at the hip to a very dangerous ally that is almost always at war. An update

CHRIS MILLS. Australian Defence Organisation Combats Climate Change Effects in Australia.

Posted on 27 December 2018 The Mission of the Australian Defence Force is to defend Australia and its national interests. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2018 Report assesses that climate change presents a global ‘risk to heath, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security and Continue reading CHRIS MILLS. Australian Defence Organisation Combats Climate Change Effects in Australia.

Please call the Japanese ambassador to protest the building of the Henoko US military base.

Stand with Okinawa against the Henoko US military base. There are protests happening in the US – We can support the Okinawan community by lodging our protest by phone.  Ph. Japanese Embassy:  02) 6273 3244 (Monday to Friday 9:00 am Continue reading Please call the Japanese ambassador to protest the building of the Henoko US military base.

Government wrong to dismiss concerns on Submarines program – savings could address urgent social needs. 14 December 2018

14 December 2018                                                                                                  MEDIA RELEASE Government wrong to dismiss concerns on Submarines program – savings could address Continue reading Government wrong to dismiss concerns on Submarines program – savings could address urgent social needs. 14 December 2018

Irresponsible Australian mining in the Philippines persists, Reyvi Mariñas, 12 November 2018

Irresponsible Australian mining in the Philippines persists By Reyvi Mariñas In 2008, I met Manoy Tony, an elder from the island of Rapu-Rapu in Bicol region, and Frances Quimpo, from the Centre for Environmental Concerns in the Philippines (CEC), in Continue reading Irresponsible Australian mining in the Philippines persists, Reyvi Mariñas, 12 November 2018