IPAN calls on PM and Foreign Minister: It’s time to impose sanctions and cut diplomatic ties with Israel – Media release 27 sept 2024

MEDIA RELEASE                         FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                       27 September 2024

  • Israeli bombings continue in Gaza while Israel rolls out a wider illegal war in the Middle East
  • More than 42,000 Palestinians have died over the past year
  • UN chief Antonio Guterres says, “…the world, cannot afford Lebanon turning into another Gaza”
  • IPAN calls for sanctions on Israel and diplomatic ties to be cut, to build pressure for a ceasefire
  • PM Albanese silent on being referred to the International Criminal Court as an accessory to genocide

In the lead up to their national conference in Perth from 4-6 October, the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) is increasingly alarmed about the year-long assault on Palestinians, the death toll in Palestine and now in Lebanon.

IPAN echoes the desperate plea from UN chief Antonio Guterres in expressing that, “The people of Lebanon, as well as the people of Israel and the people of the world, cannot afford Lebanon turning into another Gaza”.

The national peace network representing many thousands of Australians calls for sanctions on Israel and diplomatic ties to be cut with the Israeli government whose provocative actions in Gaza, the West Bank, Iran and Lebanon risk a wider conflict.

IPAN Chair, Annette Brownlie, said “the Australian government has failed to call out the Israeli war crimes against Palestinians for decades, as have many other governments”.
“We should also remember that without the arms and impunity given to Israel by the US government since its establishment, we would not have reached this horrendous situation”, said Ms Brownlie.

In addition, earlier this year, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese became the first leader of a Western nation to be referred to the International Criminal Court under Article 15 of the Rome Statute as an accessory to genocide – yet this has largely slipped under the radar[i]. https://theconversation.com/why-have-anthony-albanese-and-other-politicians-been-referred-to-the-icc-over-the-gaza-war-225079

“It’s time we saw some real leadership condemning Israel’s actions now, including the bombing and killing of more than 500 civilians in past days in Lebanon”, stated Ms Brownlie.
It’s time to demonstrate that leadership by cancelling the contracts and Future Fund investments with the Israeli arms company, Elbit Systems, stated Ms Brownlie
It’s time the Australian Government cut diplomatic ties with Israel and expelled the Israeli ambassador to Australia, and withdrew the Australian Ambassador to Israel”, stated Ms Brownlie.
“Such decisive action would help to build pressure on Israel to work for a ceasefire; and would set an example for other countries to follow”, stated Ms Brownlie.
“Taking this course of action would also help alleviate the concerns of multicultural Australians that this government is not standing up for international law and the human rights of the people under Israeli attack”, said Ms Brownlie.

IPAN will be facilitating conversation about these and other critical issues at their national conference from 4-6 October in Perth, where the UK and US are fast tracking the HMAS Stirling naval base nuclear submarines base in South Perth, in a move that only serves to further militarise Australia.  ipan-conference-2024

For Media Interviews: Ms Annette Brownlie 0431 597 256
Media Liaison: Jonathan Pilbrow 0403 611 815

Bio: Annette Brownlie is a founding member and Chairperson of the IPAN and a long-term member of the Brisbane based community Peace organisation Just Peace Queensland. In addition, Annette is a Board Member of the International Peace Bureau and Vice President   of the United Nations Association of Australia Queensland Division.
[i] https://theconversation.com/why-have-anthony-albanese-and-other-politicians-been-referred-to-the-icc-over-the-gaza-war-225079