Original details on the IPAN Inquiry

A People’s Inquiry: The Case for an Independent and Peaceful Australia

What are the costs and consequences of Australia’s involvement in US-led wars and the US Alliance?

The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) has conducted  a national public inquiry over the past 12 months into the costs and consequences of the Australia-US Alliance for the Australian people..

There are some brief notes on the Inquiry below. To read more about the inquiry, read the submissions or donate towards publication of the final report, visit the official People’s Inquiry website.

If you would like to donate towards our costs for IPAN to manage this inquiry, visit the inquiry website, or direct debit to
IPAN Inquiry account, CUA
BSB BSB 814282       Account 51169962   (including your name)

Primary aim:  To facilitate a deep conversation and engagement with the broader Australian community in order to determine a path forwards towards a genuinely independent and peaceful foreign policy for Australia; to ensure a more just allocation of Australian government resources.

Secondary aim: To produce and promote a public report which outlines the views of those Australians who hold concerns about the US Alliance and which details the steps to be taken to ensure a genuinely independent and peaceful foreign policy for Australia.

This Inquiry will gather information and consider all of the possible costs and consequences of the Australia-US Alliance, including the economic, social, environmental and political impacts. The inquiry will be a way for organisations and individuals across Australia to contribute to a national conversation.

The inquiry has been overseen by a panel of respected experts and community representatives who received written and verbal submissions and will contribute to the publication of a final report to be widely publicised.

Thoughts on this Inquiry from Panel Leaders:
100 words Vince Scappatura
100 words Alison Broinowski
100 words Ian Lowe
100 words Chad Satterlee

The Terms of Reference for the Inquiry are available on the IPAN  Inquiry Website.

The final report will be launched in the Australian Parliament in the week of February 2022

IPAN trusts that the outcome of this enquiry will be a powerful and collective voice towards developing a genuinely independent foreign policy for Australia and a more just allocation of Australian government resources.

To contact IPAN representatives in your local area, see https://ipan.org.au/contact.

Interest in The IPAN Inquiry

Would you like to assist in some way as the IPAN Inquiry proceeds later in 2020 and into 2021 as well. If so please provide us with your details below.

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Discussion of the IPAN Inquiry – Background and issues to be addressed – by Annette Brownlie from IPAN National Committee