Peace and Justice only possible when Racism is defeated – 6th June 2020

Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN)

Peace and Justice only possible when Racism is defeated

* Multiculturalism doesn’t negate injustices for First Nations people
* First Nations Peoples make up 30% of the prisoner population

The uprising, anger and mass protests in the USA over the past week in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of police last week have led to initial responses of disbelief and outrage amongst politicians and media.
Some of our leaders have been heard to remark that while Australia has some problems, we should be proud we live in such a remarkable multicultural country.
“We must not forget, however, that the First Peoples of this land have suffered racism, persecution, abuse and inequality since this vast land was colonised over 200 years ago”, stated Ms Annette Brownlie, IPAN Chairperson.
Since the 1987 Royal commission into Aboriginal deaths in custody over 400 Aboriginal people have died in our prisons.
“While just 3% of the country’s population, the First Peoples of this land make up 30% of the prisoner population”, stated Ms Brownlie.
“The racism which remains imbedded in law enforcement, political and government agencies and in the community must be rooted out if justice and equality are to embrace all people in our community”.

Since colonisation, leaders of our country have fostered a belief that we are vulnerable to hostile forces both from within and without. In the early years of occupation this was directed at Aboriginal people and since then, systematically directed at particular foreign nations across the world.

IPAN works towards an independent and peaceful future for our country and all its peoples.
IPAN believes a peaceful future will be impossible until there is a treaty and reconciliation between the settler community (since 1788) with the First Nation peoples, based on acknowledgement of the impact on the First Nation peoples of colonial conquest, mutual respect for culture and traditions and true equality, opportunity and justice for all.

IPAN and its supporting organisations are all committed to ending the attachment to superpowers of the past who have led us into wars unrelated to defending the country and its hard fought for living conditions for working people.
“We recognise Australia is a big country with an incredible 60,000-year history. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have extended their hands to work with all Australians to build that better future for us all. It’s time for a new direction and an end to racism and the persecution and injustice it perpetuates” stated Ms Brownlie.
Black lives matter! 


Media Interviews: Contact Ms Annette Brownlie 0431 597 256
IPAN Media Liaison:  Kathryn Kelly, contact 0417 269 984