The Melbourne Land Forces expo is a shopping mall of death, helping to drive Australia’s sleepwalk to war – Media Release 11 Sept 2024

MEDIA RELEASE                                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                11 Sep 2024

                                 AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE INTERVIEW: Annette Brownlie, Chair of IPAN.

Opponent of the Land Forces expo, the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network, this afternoon said that the Land Forces expo is driving Australia’s sleepwalk to war.

“This evil shopping mall of death beats the drums of war louder and drives Australia further along its sleepwalk into conflict with China,” said Ms Brownlie, Chairperson of the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN).

“Military supply corporations such like Boeing are making a killing out of this new manufactured cold war between China and America. Australia is blindly hitching its wagon to the US war machine, making itself a military target, endangering the Australian people,” she said.

“Australia is already complicit in the march to war, hosting foreign militaries personnel and hardware, including Operation Kakadu using Darwin airport to conduct air/sea exercises in the pristine waters of our oceans.

“Australia continues to support Israel through its contracts with Israeli arms company, Elbit Systems, with another contract being signed just this week.  This is completely contrary to our obligations to the International Court of Justice which has ruled against Israel’s apartheid system and illegal occupation of the Palestinian Territories. This support of Israel is no doubt fuelled by the influence of the US.”, stated Ms Brownlie.

“Protesters have come out in huge numbers as they have witnessed the carnage in Gaza and elsewhere. It’s the largest peace movement since the Iraq war,” said Ms Brownlie.


IPAN will be facilitating conversation about these and other critical issues at their national conference from 4-6 October in Perth, where the UK and US are fast tracking the HMAS Stirling naval base nuclear submarines base in South Perth, in a move that only serves to further militarise Australia.


 For Media Interviews: Ms Annette Brownlie 0431 597 256

Media Liaison: Jonathan Pilbrow 0403 611 815

 Bio: Annette Brownlie is a founding member and Chairperson of the IPAN and a long-term
member of the Brisbane based community Peace organisation Just Peace Queensland.
 In addition, Annette is a Board Member of the International Peace Bureau and Vice President
of the United Nations Association of Australia Queensland Division.