Australian Government must stop interfering in other nation’s affairs prompted by the interests of the United States; we need an independent foreign policy – Media Release 30 March 2022

MEDIA RELEASE  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE        30th March 2022 Solomon Islands decisions and sovereign rights must be respected The Solomon Islands decision to sign a security Pact with China has been condemned by the Australian Government resulting in Prime Minister Scott Continue reading Australian Government must stop interfering in other nation’s affairs prompted by the interests of the United States; we need an independent foreign policy – Media Release 30 March 2022


While calling for peace in Ukraine, this webinar focused on the responses and implications in the Asia Pacific. It looks at how states, civil society and peace movements of Asia Pacific have reacted to this war. We will strategise on Continue reading WEBINAR: WAR IN UKRAINE – RESPONSES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC – Recorded 17 March 2022

An Alternative Defence Policy for Australia – Webinar Wednesday 23rd March 2022 at 7pm, AEDT

View the webinar here: Listen to the audio of the webinar here: Read transcripts of talks here: Cameron Leckie – “Not Fit for Purpose” Current Australian defence policy is based on relying on the protection of a big power, the Continue reading An Alternative Defence Policy for Australia – Webinar Wednesday 23rd March 2022 at 7pm, AEDT

Dutton to face Brisbane protest at speech promoting rapid militarisation – Media Release 17 March 2022

Audio and text of speeches at this protest: 4PR- Voice of the People – Submarines made of coffins“ Body of the Media Release: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  17/3/22 Protest at Brisbane American Chamber of Commerce in Australia luncheon where the defence Continue reading Dutton to face Brisbane protest at speech promoting rapid militarisation – Media Release 17 March 2022

Stop the War Now – Ceasefire, Russian troop withdrawal, negotiations – 2nd March 2022

The text below is a leaflet produced by IPAN for distribution at rallies around Australia, to show solidarity with the people of Ukraine and Russia during the worldwide protests on 6th March, 2022 Download the leaflet here STOP THE WAR Continue reading Stop the War Now – Ceasefire, Russian troop withdrawal, negotiations – 2nd March 2022

No War. IPAN calls for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations in Ukraine – 26 February 2022

26th February, 2022 IPAN condemns the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and also condemns the attacks by the Ukrainian Government on the people of the Donbas region.   IPAN calls for an immediate ceasefire by all parties, a withdrawal of Russian Continue reading No War. IPAN calls for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations in Ukraine – 26 February 2022

Talk by Dave Sweeney, Australian Conservation Council at AUKUS rally outside QUAD Melbourne meeting – 10th Feb, 2022

Unlike war – peace won’t the cost the Earth Talk by Dave Sweeney, Australian Conservation Council, Nuclear Free Campaigner, at the 10th February snap protest rally outside QUAD meeting in Melbourne – No Quad, No War My name is Dave Continue reading Talk by Dave Sweeney, Australian Conservation Council at AUKUS rally outside QUAD Melbourne meeting – 10th Feb, 2022