Latest Doco – “War and Australia’s Participation – in the 21st Century”.

A new documentary has just been released.   It is  entitled War and Australia’s Participation – in the 21st Century An eye-opening mini-documentary about Australia’s shameful participation in wars around the world, which are directly attributed to the US-Australia alliance, Continue reading Latest Doco – “War and Australia’s Participation – in the 21st Century”.

Film – “The Coming War with China” John Pilger – Marrickville Peace Group, 6.30pm Thurs 4 April

• How likely is war on China? • What might it mean for Australia? To answer these questions, come to a screening at Addison Road Community Centre   (Stirrup Gallery) 6.30pm for 7.00pm start, Thursday April 4, 2019 Dr Alison Broinowski, Continue reading Film – “The Coming War with China” John Pilger – Marrickville Peace Group, 6.30pm Thurs 4 April

Hands off Venezuela – 7th February, 2019

         Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN)                                                                            MEDIA RELEASE     FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 7 February 2019 Australia must condemn United States sanctions and threats of military intervention in Venezuela ·      Venezuelans have the right to decide who governs Continue reading Hands off Venezuela – 7th February, 2019