Addresses to IPAN Rally in Melbourne on Climate Crisis and War, September 2019
Part 1: Part 2:
Part 1: Part 2:
We the undersigned, call on the leaders of all countries participating in RIMPAC military exercises to withdraw their participation in the events planned to take place in Hawai’ian waters in August this year. OPEN LETTER TO ALL RIM OF PACIFIC Continue reading Pacific Peace Network Calls for the Cancellation of RIMPAC
“We won’t be complicit’: Italian dock workers refuse to load Saudi arms ship over Yemen war. Link to the press article below, or check it out on IPAN’s fb page. IPAN has sent a message of solidarity to the Continue reading Italian dock workers refuse to load Saudi arms ship over Yemen war.
• How likely is war on China? • What might it mean for Australia? To answer these questions, come to a screening at Addison Road Community Centre (Stirrup Gallery) 6.30pm for 7.00pm start, Thursday April 4, 2019 Dr Alison Broinowski, Continue reading Film – “The Coming War with China” John Pilger – Marrickville Peace Group, 6.30pm Thurs 4 April
On Monday 11th March, 2019, Friends of the Earth Brisbane and Just Peace Queensland are organising a street action to commemorate the eighth year since the deadly meltdown and explosions that destroyed three reactors in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Continue reading Fukushima Commemoration, Monday 11th March – Brisbane
Stand with Okinawa against the Henoko US military base. There are protests happening in the US – We can support the Okinawan community by lodging our protest by phone. Ph. Japanese Embassy: 02) 6273 3244 (Monday to Friday 9:00 am Continue reading Please call the Japanese ambassador to protest the building of the Henoko US military base.
Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World by David Vine American military bases encircle the globe. More than two decades after the end of the Cold War, the U.S. still stations its troops at nearly Continue reading List of references and links to books on US bases
About the Force Posture Agreement-1
This flyer has been distributed to thousands of households in Sydney and Newcastle Ipan_Boot_A5_Flyer_v5
Enquiries, Ph. Ross, 0408 782 083
Australia should be a nation that leads the world in promoting peace, not war. In 2018, we look set to lead the world in a different way. The Australian government’s recent plans to put Australia into the top 10 weapons Continue reading DON’T BUY INTO WAR! is a national IPAN campaign
The Job Opportunity Cost of War – Heidi Garrett Peltier Military spending by the federal government is often considered a vital support to employment and economic recovery. However, military spending creates fewer jobs than the same amount of money would Continue reading Don’t Buy into War – military spending creates fewer jobs than the same amount of money would have, if invested in other sectors.
WAR COSTS THE EARTH – Broadcast 25th March 2018 Nature has always been collateral damage in warfare – nature includes the atmosphere, which receives the enormous emissions from military activities, as well as the emissions resulting from reconstruction after wars; Continue reading War costs the Earth: 3CR interview with Dr Sue Wareham OAM, President MAPW and IPAN ACT rep Kathryn Kelly
Australia as an arms exporter? Try this video to find out more!! YouTube from Juice Media. Pynie’s War-house thejuicemedia Published on Apr 2, 2018
Peace volunteers needed to letter-box the IPAN campaign leaflet in all capitals and regions; email:
Continue reading Give ’em the boot – oust the US Marines from Darwin campaign