Media release: 70 years on the ANZUS Treaty is dangerous, ineffective and needs to be changed, 1 September, 2021

  MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 1 Sep. 2021 70 years on the ANZUS Treaty is dangerous, ineffective and needs to be changed IPAN calls for Royal Commission to examine Australia’s alliance with the U.S. The U.S. alliance and the Continue reading Media release: 70 years on the ANZUS Treaty is dangerous, ineffective and needs to be changed, 1 September, 2021

The U.S. and Australian invasion of Afghanistan an unmitigated disaster – 18 August 2021

MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 18 August 2021 Recent events in Afghanistan show the need for a peaceful and independent foreign policy  Continuing the ANZUS alliance with the United States must now be seriously questioned The Australian Government must Continue reading The U.S. and Australian invasion of Afghanistan an unmitigated disaster – 18 August 2021

76 years since Hiroshima the Australian Government must stop its support for nuclear weapons – 6th August 2021

MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 6 August 2021 This Hiroshima Day, the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) calls on the Australian Government to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and remove foreign Continue reading 76 years since Hiroshima the Australian Government must stop its support for nuclear weapons – 6th August 2021

People of the Pacific condemn Talisman Sabre Military Exercises – 3rd August 2021

MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 3 Aug. 2021 Groups from the Pacific region condemn the recent military exercises in Australia as damaging to the environment, health and peace in the region. After two weeks of high intensity combined forces Continue reading People of the Pacific condemn Talisman Sabre Military Exercises – 3rd August 2021

Australia’s hosting of U.S. war games alienates the region and must end – July 22nd, 2021

MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 22 July 2021 Australia should no longer host Talisman Sabre military exercises  Talisman Sabre has a negative impact on the safety of our region, environment and community health during COVID-19 Australia should focus on Continue reading Australia’s hosting of U.S. war games alienates the region and must end – July 22nd, 2021

Military exercises put the Great Barrier Reef in danger – Media Release 15 July 2021

MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 15 July 2021 Military exercises put the Great Barrier Reef in danger The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network is greatly concerned about the impact of current warfare exercises on environmentally and culturally significant sites, Continue reading Military exercises put the Great Barrier Reef in danger – Media Release 15 July 2021