Defence spending keeps spiralling as embarrassed government blocks data, Michael West, 24 October 2018

These recent articles by investigative journalist Michael West show the recent increases in arms spending, which now overshadows all other Government purchases, and is increasingly spent with no tender processes. Defence spending keeps spiralling as embarrassed government blocks data Government Continue reading Defence spending keeps spiralling as embarrassed government blocks data, Michael West, 24 October 2018

Coalition hiding criticism to help arms manufacturer, Guardian 18 October 2018

Coalition hiding criticism to help arms manufacturer a dangerous precedent – auditor Inquiry told government protected manufacturer’s commercial interests by omitting details on $1.3bn contract The Coalition’s decision to protect a global arms manufacturer’s commercial interests by suppressing criticism of Continue reading Coalition hiding criticism to help arms manufacturer, Guardian 18 October 2018

No Social Licence through the INVICTUS Games, Media Release, 16 October 2018

Independent and Peaceful Australia Network  MEDIA RELEASE                                      For release:  16th October, 2018   No Social Licence through the INVICTUS Games ·      Invictus Games begin 20 October for military personnel with disabilities caused by their service ·      Weapons dealers Continue reading No Social Licence through the INVICTUS Games, Media Release, 16 October 2018

‘Defence officials turn lobbyists, sometimes weeks after leaving government’, Christopher Knaus, Guardian Australia, 18 September 2018

Eight former defence figures, most high-ranking, are now lobbyists for military contractors. Senior defence officials and military figures are taking paid jobs with firms lobbying for arms manufacturers, sometimes within weeks of leaving their government posts. Guardian Australia has identified Continue reading ‘Defence officials turn lobbyists, sometimes weeks after leaving government’, Christopher Knaus, Guardian Australia, 18 September 2018