A strong voice from the Pacific on AUKUS and nuclear submarines – 5 minute video message

Listen to Maureen Penjueli, Coordinator of the Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG), and based in Fiji. Maureen talks about the recent AUKUS announcement and nuclear submarine decision – to say that Australia should be put on ‘notice’ at the Pacific Continue reading A strong voice from the Pacific on AUKUS and nuclear submarines – 5 minute video message

WEBINAR: The context and consequences of Australia’s generation-long war in Afghanistan – October 21st

Click Here to RSVP for the Zoom Webinar Australia and the invasion of Afghanistan Thursday, October 21 – 6 pm AEDT The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) is hosting a webinar at 6 pm Thursday, October 21, providing context on Australia’s involvement in the Continue reading WEBINAR: The context and consequences of Australia’s generation-long war in Afghanistan – October 21st

International Peace Congress attracts 1800 participants for 15th-17th October

The main umbrella peace group in Europe, the International Peace Bureau (IPB) will hold a major international peace congress in Barcelona from 15th to 17th October, 2021. Registration for the congress is free, and all talks and workshops will be Continue reading International Peace Congress attracts 1800 participants for 15th-17th October

Retired Army Major speaks out on Australia’s imperial wars – 21st Sept 2021

Retired Australian Army Major Cameron Leckie  spoke at the annual Peace lecture in Brisbane’s St John’s Cathedral on the International Day of Peace (21st September) this year.  He was introducing the guest lecturer for 2021, retired Admiral Chris Barrie, who Continue reading Retired Army Major speaks out on Australia’s imperial wars – 21st Sept 2021

Australians speak out against nuclear submarines and AUKUS – Media Release 20 Sept 2021

Media RELEASE  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 20 Sep. 2021 Australia cannot become a staging point for the U.S. military, we cannot abrogate our sovereignty to the U.S., we cannot encourage nuclear proliferation and risk environmental catastrophe. Australian peace, environmental and Continue reading Australians speak out against nuclear submarines and AUKUS – Media Release 20 Sept 2021

Australians speak out against nuclear submarines and AUKUS – Public Statement & Petition 20 Sept., 2021

PUBLIC STATEMENT  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 20 Sep. 2021 Sign the Petition NOW! Australia cannot become a staging point for the U.S. military, we cannot abrogate our sovereignty to the U.S., we cannot encourage nuclear proliferation and risk environmental catastrophe. Continue reading Australians speak out against nuclear submarines and AUKUS – Public Statement & Petition 20 Sept., 2021

AUKUS’s nuclear submarines threaten global peace and Australia’s independence – 17 September 2021

Monumental foreign policy decisions cannot be made without any public engagement behind closed doors A nuclear-powered submarine fleet will represent a fundamental threat to global peace  AUKUS cements Australia as a subordinate of the U.S.  MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Continue reading AUKUS’s nuclear submarines threaten global peace and Australia’s independence – 17 September 2021

Sign this Petition – Disaster in Afghanistan Requires a Royal Commission into the Australia US alliance

The end of the war in Afghanistan must be a turning point for Australian foreign policy and provide the impetus for a Royal Commission. After a generation-long war that cost the lives of thousands of innocent civilians in Afghanistan and Continue reading Sign this Petition – Disaster in Afghanistan Requires a Royal Commission into the Australia US alliance

AUSMIN: annual U.S. conference set to undermine regional peace and Australia’s independence  – 13th September 2021

AUSMIN talks currently underway cannot be used as a platform for further militarisation Australia should act peacefully with its neighbours not promote confrontation  Reliance on the U.S. military undermines Australia’s independence and interests MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 13 Continue reading AUSMIN: annual U.S. conference set to undermine regional peace and Australia’s independence  – 13th September 2021