Federal Government urged not to support US provocative assassination action in Iraq – Jan 8, 2020

MEDIA RELEASE     FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 8 January, 2020 IPAN MEDIA RELEASE on Iran 8 January 2020  Federal Government urged not to support US provocative assassination action in Iraq HMAS Toowoomba must not be sent to the Strait of Continue reading Federal Government urged not to support US provocative assassination action in Iraq – Jan 8, 2020

Bushfires a national security threat – IPAN Media release December 23 2019

 MEDIA RELEASE            FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 23 December 2019  Bushfires a National Security Threat  Bushfires in Australia a real national security issue in contrast to talked up threats of hostile nations in our region Climate change a significant cause of the Continue reading Bushfires a national security threat – IPAN Media release December 23 2019

Media Release – Australia shows contempt for International rules-based order in joining with the US in the Persian Gulf, 21 August 2019

Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN)  MR 21 August 2019 – Australia shows contempt for rules-based order MEDIA RELEASE               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                       21st August 2019 Australia shows contempt for an international rules-based order, Continue reading Media Release – Australia shows contempt for International rules-based order in joining with the US in the Persian Gulf, 21 August 2019