Bipartisanship on defence – inquiry – a major step backwards. Please make a submission.

There has been an outcry over the Government’s proposal to become a major arms exporter and a disturbing further development is a proposal through a Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade inquiry regarding a formal bipartisan defence Continue reading Bipartisanship on defence – inquiry – a major step backwards. Please make a submission.

Turnbull promoting war weapons export, reprehensible, Newcastle Herald, 3 February 2018

Turnbull promoting war weapons export, reprehensible In providing $3.8 billion in loans to the war weapons manufacturers to boost weapons exports , the Turnbull government is promoting Australia as an exporter of death and misery. Surely we should be seeking Continue reading Turnbull promoting war weapons export, reprehensible, Newcastle Herald, 3 February 2018

Media Release – War subsidies a cruel joke, 31 January 2018

The Turnbull Government’s plan to give weapons manufacturers $3.8 billions of taxpayers’ funds is being blasted by workers involved in the Don’t Buy Into War campaign. Peace and Justice is Union Business, which includes unions and rank-and-file union members, says Continue reading Media Release – War subsidies a cruel joke, 31 January 2018