Are US bases worth the risk? – interview on Late Night Live with Felicity Ruby

Are US Bases worth the Risk?   Discussion with Philip Adams on Late Night Live with Felicity Ruby – PhD Candidate and former senior adviser to Greens Senator Scott Ludlam The US bases in Australia like Pine Gap now have offensive Continue reading Are US bases worth the risk? – interview on Late Night Live with Felicity Ruby

Presentation on US Foreign military bases, Assoc Prof David Vine, 8 Sept 2017

Assoc Prof David Vine, American University, Washington (author on US military bases around the world and US foreign policies) –  Impacts of the Global network of US military bases Recent Publications by David Vine 2015  Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Overseas Continue reading Presentation on US Foreign military bases, Assoc Prof David Vine, 8 Sept 2017