Breaking News: Defence Minister cancels US Marines deployment to Darwin (30th March)

Breaking News

Defence Minister cancels US Marines deployment to Darwin at this time

The 30 March announcement by the Defence Minister cancelling the United States Marines’ deployment to Darwin at this time is warmly welcomed by IPAN. IPAN, WagePeace and others have been intensively lobbying the Defence Minister through letters and phone calls as well as an IPAN media release sent to all MP’s and Senators and the media. IPAN has been calling for the US Marine deployment to be cancelled to prevent them bringing corona virus into Darwin and made has made it clear our belief that it would be in the best interests of the people of Australia to make this cancellation permanent.

Stationing United States troops on our soil, battle-ready and practicing with our ADF for a war against the enemies of the United States, does not in fact make for our protection; indeed, it makes Australia a missile target for enemies of the United States of which there are plenty. It makes us less, not more, safe. It makes us enemies when we have none. These US Marines are not under the control of the Australian Government but remain under the control of the United States Indo-Pacific Command at all times.

The Force Posture Agreement which underpins their deployment to the NT and provides the United States military with unimpeded access to our naval ports for their ships and air-force runways  for their bombers together with the other US military Bases on our soil – such as their satellite intelligence communications facility at Pine Gap and the North West Cape nuclear submarine communications station – means Australia has forfeited sovereignty to a foreign power. Australia is perceived to be a military base for the United States in the Indo-Pacific. We have lost our independence.  Australia is tied into the war plans of the United States.

A first step to reversing this situation can be by the termination of the Force Posture Agreement and making this cancellation of deployment of US Marines to Darwin, permanent.

In doing so a step is made towards regaining our independence and sovereignty so the Australian people can have peaceful and mutually beneficial relations with our neighbours.